Monday, July 28, 2014

IPHONE Password Recovery mode:

Follow these steps to place your iOS device into recovery mode. If your iOS device is already in recovery mode, you can proceed immediately to step 6.
     1. Disconnect the USB cable from the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, but leave the other end of the cable connected to your computer's USB port.

     2. Turn off the device: Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button for a few seconds until the red slider appears, then slide the slider. Wait for the device to turn off.
  ( If you cannot turn off the device using the slider, press and hold the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons at the same time. When the device turns off, release the Sleep/Wake  and Home buttons.)

     3. While pressing and holding the Home button, reconnect the USB cable to the device. The device should turn on. Note: If you see the screen pictured below, let the device charge for at least ten minutes to ensure that the battery has some charge, and then start with step 2 again.

     4. Continue holding the Home button until you see the "Connect to iTunes" screen. When this screen appears you can release the Home button.

    5. If necessary, open iTunes. You should see the following "recovery mode" alert:

     6. Use iTunes to restore the device.

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IPHONE Password Restore mode:

Follow these steps to restore your device:
     1. Verify that you are using the latest version of iTunes before attempting to update.
     2. Connect your device to your computer.
     3. Select your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch when it appears in iTunes under Devices.
     4. Select the Summary tab.
     5. Select the Restore option.
     6. When prompted to back up your settings before restoring, select the Back Up
         option (see in the image below). If you have just backed up the device, it is not
         necessary to create another.
     7. Select the Restore option when iTunes prompts you (as long as you've backed up,
         you should not have to worry about restoring your iOS device).
     8. When the restore process has completed, the device restarts and displays the Apple
         logo while starting up:

           After a restore, the iOS device displays the "Connect to iTunes" screen. For updating
          to iOS 5 or later, follow the steps in the iOS Setup Assistant. For earlier versions of
          iOS, keep your device connected until the "Connect to iTunes" screen goes away or
          you see "iPhone is activated."

     9. The final step is to restore your device from a previous backup.

Please contact +91 8870666766 in Coimbatore for:

1. Offline best price for Branded Laptops 

2. Offline best price for Branded and Assembled desktops.

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4. Laptop and desktop service.

5. LAN Networking.

6. CC TV installations.

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Saturday, June 14, 2014

To Enable or Disable Built-in Administrator in Command Prompt - Windows 8

Run the command prompt as administrator
and type : " net user administrator /active:yes "
This will enable the administrator account in windows 8.
The administrator account can be managed in control panel > User accounts

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7. Support for cloud computing.

Friday, June 6, 2014

To Resolve the error 13 type mismatch in Microsoft Access

To fix this problem, go into Control Panel - Regional Options - Numbers, change Decimal Symbol: from a "," (comma) to a "." (period) or, in Control Panel - Regional Options - General , change Your Locale (location): to "English (United States)" - select OK.

Please contact +91 8870666766 in Coimbatore for:

1. Offline best price for Branded Laptops 

2. Offline best price for Branded and Assembled desktops.

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4. Laptop and desktop service.

5. LAN Networking.

6. CC TV installations.

7. Support for cloud computing.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hidden Attribute option greyed out in a file

To remove the Hidden attribute using command prompt:

attrib -s -h -r "file name with extension"

Please contact +91 8870666766 in Coimbatore for:

1. Offline best price for Branded Laptops 

2. Offline best price for Branded and Assembled desktops.

3. Offline best price for computer accessories

4. Laptop and desktop service.

5. LAN Networking.

6. CC TV installations.

7. Support for cloud computing.

Friday, April 11, 2014



CHKDSK [volume[[path]filename]]] [/F] [/V] [/R] [/X] [/I] [/C] [/L[:size]]

volume Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon), mount point, or volume name. filename FAT only: Specifies the files to check for fragmentation. /F Fixes errors on the disk. /V On FAT/FAT32: Displays the full path and name of every file on the disk. /R Locates bad sectors and recovers readable information (implies /F). /L :size NTFS only: Changes the log file size to the specified number of kilobytes. If size is not specified, displays current size. /X Forces the volume to dismount first if necessary. All opened handles to the volume would then be invalid (implies /F). /I NTFS only: Performs a less vigorous check of index entries. /C NTFS only: Skips checking of cycles within the folder structure. The /I or /C switch reduces the amount of time required to run Chkdsk by skipping certain checks of the volume.

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Windows Credential Guard

Credential Guard is a security feature on Windows that helps protect user login credentials from being stolen by attackers. It works by isol...