Saturday, June 27, 2020

CORE and THREAD in a Processor

A processor core ("brain" of a CPU) is an individual processor within a CPU. Many computers today have multi-core processors, meaning the CPU contains more than one core.
For many years, computer CPU's only had a single core. In the early 2000s, as processor clock speeds began plateauing, CPU manufacturers needed to find other ways to increase processing performance. Initially, they achieved this by putting multiple processors in high-end computers. While this was effective, it added significant cost to the computers and the multiprocessing performance was limited by the bus speed between the CPU s.
By combining processors on a single chip, CPU manufactures were able to increase performance more efficiently at a lower cost. The individual processing units became known as “cores” rather than processors. In the mid-2000s, dual-core and quad-core CPU s began replacing multi-processor configurations. A processor with two cores is called a dual-core processor; with four cores, a quad-core; six cores, hexa-core; eight cores, octa-core.
While initially only high-end computers contained multiple cores, today nearly all PCs have multi-core processors.

Threads are what allow your CPU to perform multiple things at once. So, if you want to run multiple processes that are very intensive, you will need a CPU with a lot of threads. The number of threads you have depends on the number of cores in your CPU. Each CPU core can have two threads. So, a processor with two cores will have four threads. A processor with eight cores will have 16 threads. A processor with 24 cores (yes, those exist), will have 48 threads.
Threads are important to the function of your computer because they determine how many tasks your computer can perform at any given time.
For each processor core that is physically present, the operating system addresses two virtual (logical) cores called thread and shares the workload between them when possible. The main function of hyper-threading is to increase the number of independent instructions in the pipeline; it takes advantage of super scalar architecture, in which multiple instructions operate on separate data in parallel.
With HTT, one physical core appears as two processors to the operating system, allowing concurrent scheduling of two processes per core. In addition, two or more processes can use the same resources: If resources for one process are not available, then another process can continue if its resources are available.
Thread, as in general in computer science is a term to describe a sequence of executable code to perform some task. Some sort of Operating system scheduler that can handle workload of those streams.
On the low level any instructions sent to CPU will always be unravel to a shallow structure no matter what language or software solution you use. It is a stream of instructions being sent one by one.
Some time ago operating systems could only handle a single thread. Then some attempts were made to prioritize one over another on a single thread, just to give some more important parts a priority to execute. Concept of thread was born. But that happened on software level first and meant nothing if not supported by hardware.
Then multi-threading was born, and on the hardware side AMD was first to introduce a CPU that could handle more than 1 thread at the same time. They started to call it a core. As a physical piece of dedicated unit. But these days 1 unit/core can handle more than 1 thread. Therefore, we have for instance 8 cores 16 threads CPU’s on the market.
Not many applications can utilize that much at once. For almost a decade we stuck on 4 thread paradigms. But if you think about it, even now, if operating system can distribute or schedule if you like, tasks across all available threads and you run few applications that can make use of more than 1 thread even today, 8 cores and 16 threads can be easily utilized.
A thread is a virtual version of a CPU core. To create a thread, Intel CPU's uses hyper-threading, and AMD CPU s uses simultaneous multi threading, or SMT for short (they are the same thing). These are both names for the process of breaking up physical cores into virtual cores (threads) to increase performance. For example, AMD CPU s with four cores use SMT to provide eight threads, and most Intel CPU s with two cores use hyper-threading to provide four threads.

Hyper threading is a technology developed by intel to increase the performance of CPU cores. It enables multiple threads to be run by each core to make the CPU run more efficiently, by this CPU can do more tasks at the same amount of time. With Hyper threading, the operating system will recognize each physical core as 2 virtual or logical cores. Hyper threading virtually doubles the number of cores that is on the CPU. Dual core processor will be recognized as having 4 cores through the lens of the operating system. Since operating system will recognize each physical core as two virtual cores, the operating system will schedule or share the workload between them. Each virtual core can be individually interrupted or directed to execute a specific instruction that is independent of the other virtual core, that is the main function of hyper threading. Hyper threading increases the amount of independent instructions in the pipeline, which will eliminate the idle time in the CPU, making the computer run faster and more efficient. To take advantage of hyper-threading, applications that can adopt to multi-threading technology should be run.
What Is Multi threading?
Multi threading is a form of parallelization or dividing up work for simultaneous processing. Instead of giving a large workload to a single core, threaded programs split the work into multiple software threads. These threads are processed in parallel by different CPU cores to save time.
Depending on how they are built, games may be lightly threaded or heavily threaded. Some older game engines are known for their reliance on single-threaded performance, meaning they mostly use a single CPU core and get a major boost from higher clock speeds.
Today, game engines like Unreal Engine 4 utilize multiple cores when creating complex scenes3. Engines may also use multi threading to handle different parts of “draw calls” — instructions sent from the CPU to the GPU about in-game objects, textures, and shades to draw.
What Is Hyper-Threading?
Hyper-Threading Technology is a hardware innovation that allows more than one thread to run on each core. More threads mean more work can be done in parallel.
How does Hyper-Threading work? When Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology is active, the CPU exposes two execution contexts per physical core. This means that one physical core now works like two “logical cores” that can handle different software threads. The ten-core Intel® Core™ i9-10900K processor, for example, has 20 threads when Hyper-Threading is enabled.
Two logical cores can work through tasks more efficiently than a traditional single-threaded core. By taking advantage of idle time when the core would formerly be waiting for other tasks to complete, Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology improves CPU throughput (by up to 30% in server applications4).

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