Friday, April 28, 2023


 Phishing is a type of online scam or cybercrime where an attacker attempts to trick someone into divulging sensitive information such as login credentials, credit card numbers, or personal information by posing as a trustworthy entity in an email, message, or website.

The information is then used to access important accounts and can result in identity theft and financial loss.

The attacker often sends an email that appears to come from a legitimate source, such as a bank or social media platform, and includes a link to a fake website that looks like the real thing. The victim is then prompted to enter their personal information on the fake site, which is then captured by the attacker.

Phishing attacks can also be carried out through phone calls ('vishing' -voice phishing) or text messages ('smishing' - SMS Phishing) and may use social engineering techniques to trick the victim into divulging sensitive information or performing an action that can compromise their security. It's important to be cautious when receiving unsolicited messages or emails, and to verify the authenticity of any requests for personal information before responding.

Common Features of Phishing Emails:

Too Good To Be True - Lucrative offers and eye-catching or attention-grabbing statements are designed to attract people’s attention immediately. For instance, many claim that you have won an iPhone, a lottery, or some other lavish prize. Just don't click on any suspicious emails. Remember that if it seems to good to be true, it probably is!

Sense of Urgency - A favorite tactic amongst cybercriminals is to ask you to act fast because the super deals are only for a limited time. Some of them will even tell you that you have only a few minutes to respond. When you come across these kinds of emails, it's best to just ignore them. Sometimes, they will tell you that your account will be suspended unless you update your personal details immediately. Most reliable organizations give ample time before they terminate an account, and they never ask patrons to update personal details over the Internet. When in doubt, visit the source directly rather than clicking a link in an email.

Hyperlinks - A link may not be all it appears to be. Hovering over a link shows you the actual URL where you will be directed upon clicking on it. It could be completely different, or it could be a popular website with a misspelling, for instance - the 'm' is actually an 'r' and an 'n', so look carefully.

Attachments - If you see an attachment in an email, you weren't expecting or that doesn't make sense, don't open it! They often contain payloads like ransomware or other viruses. The only file type that is always safe to click on is a .txt file.

Unusual Sender - Whether it looks like it's from someone you don't know or someone you do know, if anything seems out of the ordinary, unexpected, out of character or just suspicious in general don't click on it!

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